What is Freud’s Theory of Dreams? Why Do We Dream?

The well-known psychologist and hypnotist, Dr. Sigmund Freud explained that our dreams fulfill the motives, wishes and desires, which can not be satisfied in the actual conditions of our waking life.

There are many things that we desire, but the rigidities of social customs, traditions, and civilization makes it difficult for us to reveal these feelings and emotions in real. Therefore, these motivating forces manifest themselves in our sleep as dreams when there is no ‘censor’ and when the sanctions of morality are absent and do not interfere with their realization.

Freud’s theory of dreams helps us to understand many of our dreams, which contain premonitions. They predict the future and warn us against unpleasant or dangerous events looming ahead. There are many reports about such dreams from all over the world.

A Good Video on Freud’s Theory of Dreams: Khan Academy

The phenomena of dreams are very difficult to interpret correctly. There is still much in the mysterious and shadowy world of dreams that eludes scientific understanding.

I recommend watching this video on ‘why do we dream?: