Not everyone is a people person. Such individuals ooze charisma whenever you are with them. Everybody wants to be friends with them. Everybody loves being around them. Everybody wants to be like them. Charismatic individuals have cool attitudes.
What are the hidden personality traits that make them successful?
They are kind and caring if you get to know them. They have a calm demeanor. The same demeanor Morgan Freeman showed when he appeared alongside Michael Cain on the Graham Norton Show. I was watching the show the other day on my Charter cable connection and couldn’t contain my laughter. Mr. Freeman is a legend.
Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.
Paul P. Harris
So, charisma, kindness, and good behavior are among a dozen personality traits common with most crowd-pullers. While charisma may be considered a God-given talent, decency and politeness can be developed over time. That said, here are 10 hidden personality traits for success you should develop to capture the hearts and minds of others.
10 Hidden Personality Traits for Success
1. Good Behavior
Good behavior can win hearts and minds. Good behavior is a trait common with most psychologically healthy and well-adjusted people. Individuals with easy-going and polite demeanors can win even the fiercest critics over.
Good behavior isn’t something too difficult to achieve. Having respect for others’ opinions, adopting a calm tone during conversations, and showcasing the ability to calm the nerves during tense situations are all signs of good behavior.
Unfortunately, good behavior is one of the many qualities that is missing in the world today. There’s no denying that social media has provided a safe space for us. However, many use it to spew hate and bully others instead of observing decency. The replies and conversations are anything but polite.
There’s a great saying by Tennis superstar Roger Federer that emphasizes the importance of being nice. The saying is: “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.”
2. Honesty
When was the last time you heard someone speaking with convincing honesty? I for one don’t even remember that something like this ever happened. Even the appearances of today look deceiving. Most believe they can hide behind a fake persona to fool the world into thinking what they want it to think.
This world lacks genuine people. If you seek validation through lies then you aren’t being honest. You aren’t being honest with yourself and the other individual. Lies, deceits, and fake promises are of no good.
3. Self Confidence
Being confident in your abilities is one of the most important hidden personality traits for success. Being cocky is another. Hold your head high while you walk but do not look down upon others (unless you are extraordinarily tall). Everybody goes through pains and difficult experiences in life.
Use your confidence to lift the spirits of those around you. Encourage them to be the best version of themselves. Do not boast about your strengths and achievements. Remember, records are made to be broken.
4. Compassion
Consider yourself blessed if you are in a privileged position. There are 600 million others that can’t even afford a day’s meal. Be thankful for what you have and show compassion to others. Care for animals and nature.
This piercing blue planet we are living on is irreplicable. Cherish it and everything that’s in this beautiful world.
5. Empathy
The human mind has a tremendous ability to feel and relate to different emotions. By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes you can empathize with them. We all experience different situations daily.
Some cope with grief without putting in much effort. Others struggle to fight off their demons. Each individual is unique. We are all different from each other yet can feel the happiness and struggles of each other.
6. Generosity
You’re mistaken if you think generosity only involves doing philanthropic activities on a large scale. Generosity can be as little as holding the door for others or helping a passerby cross a road. Generosity can also refer to an overall spirit of kindness
7. Creativity
Creative people get tons of appreciation. They approach everything with an open mind. Exploring new destinations, and meeting new cultures are the major characteristics of a creative person. You should be flexible to take on new challenges.
8. Calmness
Calm people do not make the life of others miserable through pressure tactics. They know the importance of being patient and poised.
8. Determination
Determination is crucial for a successful life. Determined individuals inspire others to pursue their goals and objectives.
9. Consistency
No matter how brilliant of an individual you are, you cannot expect people to like you if you aren’t consistent in how you deal with them. Consistency is crucial to developing a stronger bond.
10. Being YOU
Originality is… a by-product of sincerity. – Marianne Moore
Best hidden personality traits Quotes
“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.” – Shannon L. Alder
“If you want to build your personality don’t do extraordinarily, just act like a human being.” – Mohammad Rishad Sakhi
“I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own.” – Kurt Cobain
“When people see your personality come out, they feel so good, like they actually know who you are.” – Usain Bolt
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee
“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, and how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” – Jay Danzie
“The best index to a person’s character is how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and how he treats people who can’t fight back.” – Abigail Van Buren
“Don’t sacrifice your intuition in order to follow society’s patterns! Preserving your personality in a world full of copycats is the biggest trait you can always rely on!”
“Each man has three personalities: the one he exhibits, the one he has and the one he thinks he has.” – Alphonse Karr
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