Get ready to turn up the heat! Our planet boasts a fascinating range of climates, from icy tundras to steamy jungles. But some regions take “hot” to a whole new level. We’re diving into the world’s hottest continents, exploring the places where the thermometer hits mind-boggling numbers and the landscape itself seems to radiate warmth. Whether you’re a thrill-seeking traveler, a weather enthusiast, or simply curious about Earth’s extremes, prepare for a scorching journey.
When the Pangaea broke away 175 million years ago, all its pieces started floating apart, and eventually took positions as they are today. Separated by waters, meridians, and all other kinds of borders, each of the continents assumed a shape, an identity of its own.
These continents now had their people, features, and even climates. From the hottest to the coldest, all of it could be found on this little blue planet.
All of them are cool in their own way, but luckily for you, we will talk about how hot they are today!
All the temperatures in this article are the annual average temperatures measured across those areas on the continents where there is a specific type of climate affecting multiple regions, measured in Degree Fahrenheit.
Extreme Heat: Your Guide to the World’s Hottest Continents
1. Africa
The number 1 hottest continent of the world on our list is none other than Africa.
The second-largest continent by size and population is largely situated near the Tropic meridians and the Equator too, which are a major reason why the continent is excruciatingly hot.
The climate all across Africa is mainly affected by tropical kinds, such as the desert, semi-arid, tropical wet-and-dry, and equatorial.
These climates cover up more than 90 percent of the continent and are therefore main influences in the climate of Africa.
These climates define weathers that can be classified by very hot-and-dry summers, cold winters, high humidity regions, and meager rainfall, except in the rainforest and tropical regions.
Africa has an annual average temperature of 77.1 Degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Australia
The smallest continent in the world, Australia is next on our list. The country-continent is also notorious for its hot climate and arid conditions, and most of the continent is covered in deserted, uninhabitable regions.
Adding to that is the fact that there is a lot of evaporation and less rainfall due to the absence of clouds. Only in the South of Australia will you find a climate that is wet in winter and has noticeable rainfall.
In the inland areas, the temperature is almost at a constant of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit for months, and temperatures are always high.
Australia has an annual average temperature of 71.4 Degrees Fahrenheit.
3. South America
South America is the third hottest continent in the world, and this is mainly because a large portion of the continent is along the equatorial line.
The reason why South America is not as hot as Australia is that cold air currents from the Pacific Ocean cause the temperature of the continent to get tempered significantly.
Because of this equatorial influence, the South of the continent is affected by oceanic winds. Therefore the temperature down South moderates the overall temperature of the continent, which is mostly hot and wet in the summers.
South America has an annual average temperature of 69.5 Degrees Fahrenheit.
4. North America
North America is a continent that faces many different climates all over the continent, and there are many different kinds of weather to expect if you are making a trip to North America, depending on where you are going, of course.
The Arctic Circle in the North and around Greenland makes the climate very cold, with Greenland having an almost permanent ice sheet.
In the rest of the continent, there is not a lot of cold weather, rather in places such as California and Florida, there is coastal weather, with hot summers.
Going further down, temperatures get continental in and around the Mexican Gulf, characterized by hot and humid summers.
North America has an annual average temperature of 64 Degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Asia
The largest continent of the world, Asia, is known for its diversity in almost any characteristic possible, be it ethnicities, demographics, or even the weather.
Asia has freezing arctic climates in the North in places such as Siberia and Russia, and hot tropical temperatures in the Southeast Asian countries.
The inland areas of Asia get heated up a lot during the middle of the year, as a result of which there is low pressure in the continent, which makes moisture winds come in. However, these moisture-laden winds only give their rain up in the Southeastern part of Asia, and there is low rainfall elsewhere.
Asia has an annual average temperature of 52 Degrees Fahrenheit.
6. Europe
Europe is one of those continents where the wind plays an important role in measuring the weather. Winds from the West bring warmth to even the coldest countries, such as Iceland; while these same winds bring cool Arctic air to the Northwestern countries of Europe.
In Europe, there are four main types of climates, and they mainly affect the Western countries, the center of Europe, the Northeast of Europe, and Southern Europe.
The Atlantic currents warm the West, the center is warmer and more humid, the Northeast has a continental climate with extremes of temperature, and the South has mild wet winters and hot summers.
Europe has an annual average temperature of 50.3 Degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Antarctica
The coldest continent on the planet, the giant block of ice called Antarctica is uninhabitable, and only a few brave researchers can live here amidst the cold temperatures.
The lowest-ever recorded temperature in Antarctica is -128.6 Degrees Fahrenheit. The weather in Antarctica has very low water vapor which is the reason why there is scarcely any rain throughout the year.
Antarctica has an annual average temperature of -31 Degrees Fahrenheit.
To sum it up, each continent on Earth has its pros and cons and a person can only know it suits their needs if they visit it.
Each place has its charm and unpleasant factors, but in the end, you should only pick a spot because of the features it has to offer you or to put it this way; if you find it cool or hot!