Dr. Stone is an exhilarating anime based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by the South Korean artist Boichi, serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2017. Although the season 3 release dates haven’t been released yet, here’s everything we know so far.
Dr. Stone Overall Synopsis
The anime’s first season’s first episode aired on July 5th, 2019, and was an instant fan favorite. The plot follows the story of Senku Ishigami, a scientific genius who along with all of the modern world gets petrified by a mysterious green light for thousands of years dragging the face of the earth to revert back to the stone age.
Humanity remains petrified until Senku is able to break out of his petrification and realize that 3,700 years have passed and that he’s seemingly the only human left.
That is until his best friend Taiju is able to break out of his petrification as well. Together they find a way to create Nital dubbed as revival fluid and are able to resurrect other petrified people.
With Senku’s goal to revive all 7 billion people in the world he comes across others who don’t agree with him, in particular one of the first people that he revived, Tsukasa Shishio.
He believes that only the younger pure hearted people should be revived to prevent the world from going back to the corrupt cycle of business over everything, after a disagreement with Senku they create two separate factions, the Kingdom of Science and the Tsukasa Empire.
The second season of Dr Stone ends with the victory of the Kingdom of Science and their quest to move forward to uncover the truth behind the petrification. The manga is still ongoing and is predicted to come to an end by 2022, .
Dr Stone Season 3 Trailer
Dr stone has 2 seasons that cover 83 chapters of the manga faithfully although like most anime adaptations, the studio did trim a few dialogues everything else remains true to the source material. Shortly after the last episode of season 2 aired, TMS Entertainment released a mysterious trailer where the science gang seemed to be dressed up as pirates, confirming a season 3.
This sent the fans into a frenzy of theories that the next season would cover the “Age of Exploration arc” where the fans might finally get a glimpse of the mysterious antagonist of the story.
Apart from the plot itself, Dr. Stone’s first opening theme “Good Morning World!” by Burnout Syndromes is something that every fan knows by heart, and the ending theme “Life” by Rude-α acts like the perfect way to wrap up each episode, the next opening theme for season 1 was “Sangenshoku” by Pelican Fanclub, while the series’ second ending theme is “Yume No Youna” by Saeki YouthK both as good as their predecessors giving the fanbase the feels every time they hear the songs.
Dr Stone Season 2 did not disappoint the fans with the amazing opening theme for the second, “Rakuen” by Fujifabric and the ending theme “Koe?” by Hatena.
Unlike most studios that contemplate whether to create another season for an anime or not for a long time comparing sales, popularity and profit, TMS Entertainment had no issues worrying about the same with IMDB rating Dr Stone an 8.2/10 and 8.3/10 on MyAnimeList and 4.7/5 on Crunchyroll.
The Dr. Stone manga itself had sold about 10 million copies as of April 2021 and in 2019, Dr. Stone won the 64th Shogakukan Manga Award for the shōnen category. The plot is also proved to be about 90% scientifically accurate mixed with a few comic elements to keep it light for the audience to understand.
The Dr. Stone fanbase on Twitter actively tweets almost 700 tweets in an hour recounting various important and funny scenes with a common theme being “learning to appreciate resources that we have and appreciating the smaller things in life”, the official English account on Twitter for the anime has 264,000 active followers.
There was also an announcement that we would see a smartphone game based on the series, Dr. Stone Battle Craft, sometime in 2021 which would be a strategy game developed by Poppin Games Japan with role-playing game elements, open-world game elements, and raising game elements. It is still under work.
Based on the previous pattern where Dr. Stone season 2 was released roughly around a year and a half after the first season, it would be safe to guess the season 3 release date to be sometime in 2022. There were many speculations about the third season taking the form of a movie but it has been ruled out since that won’t be enough to cover an entire arc.
That being said, the fans definitely have a LOT to look forward to in the upcoming season. Many fans always have the fear that a good anime would be ruined by having the story stretched out but Dr.Stone fans need not worry about the same as Inagaki said he doesn’t want to get “greedy” and he promises to “never stretch it out just for the sake of business”, phew.
Although we may not know the exact date of release for the next season, I’m 10 billion percent sure it’ll be worth the wait!!